Friday 27 April 2018

Contoh surat bahasa inggris (email ) kepada orang asing

                                                                                                           Central Java
2nd November 2015
Sir Suriya Klinkesorn,

               Let me introduce my self , my name is Zakaria Ahmad, just call me Zack. I’m the student of SMAN 1 Ambarawa ( Public Senior High School 1 ) Ambarawa, Central Java, Indonesia. I’m sending email for you to fulfill me of my english assignment to invite you to come to my beloved country Indonesia.
               Have you ever been to Indonesia ? There are so many amazing recreation places in my country one of them is Curug 7 Bidadari. Curug 7 Bidadari is a tourist attraction waterfall located in the village of Keseneng, Sumowono, Semarang regency. We can see water still clean and fresh because the water comes from the mountains and mountain scenery and beautiful hills. In the Curug 7 bidadari we can do swim, take a picture and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Besides  beautiful waterfall, we can also find an old well that is believed to be a nymph bathing and can make ageless. The support facilities that could be used by visitors is: public restrooms, lodging, meeting room, gazebo, and others. To get to Curug 7 Bidadari takes approximately 1 - 1.5 hours from Semarang city center by car and 5 minutes from my home. Every day Curug 7 Bidadari open from 8:00 to 16:00 , while on Sundays or Holidays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and the  admission price of Rp 3,000 on weekdays and Rp 4,000 on holidays.
               It’s look nice. This some pictures about enchantment Curug 7 Bidadari.


   I’m very pleased of you can spend your holiday in here. I’m willing to accompany you here.   I will see you soon.



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